
Vivian Suter
Filmscreening: Vivian’s Garden

On the occasion of Stories from the Ground and the 9th Biennial of Painting, we present the documentary film Vivian’s Garden at Woning Van Wassenhove. After a brief introduction and the screening, we invite you to join us for a friendly discussion over drinks.

About the film

Vivian Suter and her mother Elisabeth Wild are two Swiss / Austrian émigré artists in living in Panajachel, Guatemala, where they have developed a matriarchal compound in an environment that offers both refuge and terror. Elisabeth is in her nineties and Vivian in her sixties and they are as close as maiden sisters, in fact the family relationship is shifting, each is at times mother and daughter to the other.

This film takes a close and dreamy look at their artistic, emotional and economic lives, with their extended householders: Mayan villagers as guardians and home help, and an assortment of dogs, it offers a tender look at an instance of post-colonial complexity.

  • Directed by Rosalind Nashashibi
  • Release 2017
  • 29m
  • English
  • Original format: 16mm film
Film screening
Woning van Wassenhove

Brakelstraat 50
B-9830 Sint-Martens-Latem


€ 20 / € 15 / € 0


Max. 12 persons per screening, at 10:00, 11: 00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00 and 16:00


still uit Vivians's Garden, © Rosalind Nashashibi & LUX, London