
Thomas Helbig, Victor Man, Helmut Stallaerts
Ein Vages Gefühl des Unbehagens

This exhibition brings together the work of three European artists: Thomas Helbig, Victor Man and Helmut Stallaerts.

These artists do not belong to the same generation but what the works of these three artists do have in common, however, is their search for the expression of a vague feeling of discomfort. This makes their oeuvre not easily interpretable but it does testify, uniquely and singularly, of a great imagination and a search for a visual language that is ever-expanding in complexity.

This exhibition will combine new and older work and is both the result and continuation of the research conducted into the collection Wilfried & Yannicke Cooreman.

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

Museumlaan 14
9831 Deurle


Tanguy Eeckhout