
Terre Thaemlitz

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens is proud to present selections from Interstices by the artist, public speaker and DJ Terre Thaemlitz. Originally produced in 2000–2003, the specially reconfigured installation at Woning Van Wassenhove includes video, sound and text.

For the audio composition Homeward.004 from the Interstices album, Thaemlitz selected, deleted and repeated individual frames in an audio waveform – a method she calls ‘framing’. Primary passages are also removed; most commonly deleted are vocals, figuratively silencing the dominant discourse within popular music in order to hear interstitial sounds.

In the Interstices video, Thaemlitz adapts music, text and images from his CD Interstices into a montage that candidly investigates the interstices between genders, sexual orientations, and other identity constructs. Intersexual birth, surgical gender reassignment, sex acts, and transsexual job opportunities are among the topics processed through filters of private and public expectation.

Woning van Wassenhove

Brakelstraat 50
B-9830 Sint-Martens-Latem


Laurens Otto


Terre Thaemlitz – Interstices, 2021. Courtesy of the artist.
Woning Van Wassenhove © Juliaan Lampens

   Thanks to

Vlaamse overheid

Johan Vandermaelen

Bram Vanderveire
