
Richard Venlet

With MDDGRID, Venlet presents a spatial constellation that connects the various spaces of the museum, integrating both museum and peripheral functions into a cohesive whole. Inspired by the underlying grid motif on which the museum building is based, Venlet detaches the grid from its foundation. In MDDGRID, the grid becomes autonomous, transforming into a catwalk, scaffold, infiltrator, support, and sculpture.

Within this grid, elements related to the museum’s operations are placed: display cases, a computer for viewing the website, and sculptures from the MDD collection. The reception desk is repurposed as an exhibition space, so ticket sales happen at a simple table.

Small setups with stages, microphones, and chairs allude to exhibition openings. During the exhibition, anyone can give a speech if they wish. Using the MDD’s photo archives, Venlet also created a video featuring past speeches.

The museum’s interior structure is stripped of added partition walls, revealing the original pebble wall at the entrance and the monumental pastel drawing by David Tremlett from a 1990 group exhibition.

Richard Venlet participated in the same 1990 exhibition. For MDDGRID, he re-executes the installation he created back then, which serves as an important reference point in his work. By presenting this work alongside MDDGRID, Venlet reflects on both the museum’s condition and his own artistic evolution.

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

Museumlaan 14
9831 Deurle


Edith Doove
