
Picture this: Elke Andreas Boon

Elke Andreas Boon creates photos, drawings, and video works. She builds installations where she confronts these works with each other. In the late 1990s, she became known for her fragile photographic portraits. Commissioned by the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, she explores self-portraiture through drawings, photos, and video. Her work combines a poetic and escapist imagination with a raw vision of our human condition. With her work, she aims to deal in a very personal way with the fragility and pain of humanity, thus liberating herself from established societal power structures.

In addition to a series of recent photos and drawings, Elke Andreas Boon will also create a site-specific installation at MDD, where she sublimates hyper-individual feelings into an ephemeral experience of beauty.

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

Museumlaan 14
9831 Deurle
