
Across the border

Many contemporary artists are exploring the boundaries between painting and object, painting and space. The main premise of this exhibition is how artists currently perceive painting and how they extend it beyond the canvas alone.

In doing so, the curators remain faithful to the principles of their respective institutions: Katia Baudin at Frac Nord-Pas de Calais examines the boundaries between art and design, the public and public space. Edith Doove at MDD questions the museum itself and plays with the interaction between its own collection and temporary exhibitions, as well as the indoor and outdoor spaces.

Across the border
showcases a large number of recent acquisitions from Frac Nord-Pas de Calais, combined with some rarely exhibited contemporary works from the MDD collection.

Furthermore, Pieter Vermeersch was asked to create an intervention that will take place both in the garden and in the museum.

The exhibition is part of MDD’s interest in establishing exchanges with similar (small) art institutions in the Euregio.